A story about a young lesbian, raised by missionaries, in Navajo Country, walking away from everything she loved to be herself, while she longed for home.
An essay about the adversities of mission boarding school life as lived by a white girl and as told to her by Navajo friends.
A braided essay weaving together three strands of a search for spiritual identity--Protestant Christian, Navajo, and Jewish.
An essay about how an interracial relationship lived on in my teaching writing to my African American students. An exploration of cross-cultural identity. In Clockhouse Review, Summer 2013. Listed as Notable in The Best American Essays 2014.
A montage about mortality through the experience of first tastes. Published in Mount Hope, Fall 2013. Winner of the 2005 Gwen Frostic Award for Creative Nonfiction, Western Michigan University.
The story of Viktor Frankl's development of logotherapy or "healing through meaning," its test in the crucible of the Holocaust, and Man's Search for Meaning's widespread influence after World War II
Other published short works